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Assisted Living

Our a la carte service package enables residents to choose only the services they require when they need the service. This allows the resident to keep their costs as low as possible for as long as possible. It is another way we offer choices to our residents. All services that you would find in a typical assisted living community are offered here and residents choose those services as they are needed. See our Lead Care Manager for a list of health and personal related services available at River Pointe. Health related services are based on a personalized assessment done prior to move-in. These services are assessed by our Registered Nurse with the resident and family members. Residents only pay for the services they specifically need.

Living Safely

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Our qualified staff will work with you and your family to develop a plan that is best suited to meet your needs. These services are designed to keep you as independent as possible. Assistance is available 24 hours a day from our trained care providers. Health supervision services are available including visits with our Registered Nurse, medication reminders and assistance with non-injectable drugs. Additional health supervision services are tailored to the resident’s needs. Medical transportation can also be arranged as necessary. Throughout the year, our Health Services Department puts on several informational meetings and wellness clinics for our residents, including yearly flu shots for residents and staff members.

We offer several different services in our assisted living community, but the one that interests families the most is the safety and security of having staff on site, 24 hours a day. Our Registered Nurse is on staff full-time to assist our residents with medication reminders and monthly check-ups. Our staff is trained by the Director of Health Services (RN) and by Welcome Home University, developed by Welcome Home Management Company, to ensure that our staff remains highly skilled at what they do.

Home-Cooked Meals

Dining and food service is an important area of care that is available to our residents. A variety of menu choices are professionally served in the Red River Room. This area is not just about health and good nutrition – it’s about eating great food and socializing. We take special pride in our dining experience offering home-cooked food prepared right on site.

Our Chef prepares all of the meals fresh each day for our residents. If you have a personal favorite, we invite you to our Culinary Club to share it with others and maybe even taste some new foods. Each month, residents will have the opportunity to attend the Culinary Club hosted by the Food Services Director. Our Culinary Club is set up not only as a forum for our residents but to learn new recipes or learn about different types of foods or even different health choices related to food. Special diets are also available, depending on individual needs.


Activity and Wellness Programs

Activities and Wellness programming are a very important part of what we do! Our activity program is designed around the residents and what they enjoy doing. We call our program “A Part of You”. The program is a resident based activity philosophy that puts our own residents’ experiences, hobbies or their likes as the focus. Activities are not just about games and entertainment but include intellectual and learning activities.


Offering an activity and wellness program that focuses on the residents, needs space. Not only can residents enjoy one of the several common areas throughout the community, Thomas Landing has designed an Activity Room where local entertainers will be able to play and rousing games of cards and bingo can be enjoyed! The best time in life is when you can relax and enjoy the “good life”. At River Pointe of Moorhead, our residents will find all the amenities they need to enjoy life to its fullest while maintaining their independence. A rich, rewarding lifestyle awaits, providing comfort and peace of mind. We look forward to welcoming you home.

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